The case brief (or short-case analyses) consist of four major sections. The length of the assessment should be between three and five pages with "1.5 line spacing and margins of one inch and 12pt. font. You should organize the paper with subheadings corresponding to the four following sections. Avoid bullets “ you must make connections and articulate what a factor/issue means in the situation and how it influences other factors/issue and possible actions etc. You must demonstrate relevance. In general, please focus your energy on the content and the quality of your assessment. NOTE: This is not a summary of the case but a true case analysis. 1. Problems Statement Please, state the problem using one paragraph and a few sentences. Try to be clear, precise and concise. Try to formulate the problem from the perspective of the decision maker by highlighting the decision that must be made, the "tasks" he or she has to perform, and the issues that he or she is facing. 2. Situational Analysis This is the "meat" of the case brief, and as such, it should be the longest section of the paper. Please do not simply repeat the facts of the case. Discuss, integrate, and synthesize the important factors that have a significant bearing on the case - dismiss any irrelevant information. - A very useful tool to make this assessment is the SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) framework. Do not feel that you have to discuss all the internal factors and external factors which are presented in Exhibit 1.1. You should just focus on the factors that are relevant to the problem that you are trying to solve. At this stage, the use of a matrix is highly recommended. If you use a matrix, it should be included as an appendix and in situation analysis in the case should discuss the factors and linages in the matrix. - Depending of the case, you may have to perform quantitative and/or financial assessments (e.g., br