Problems with Immigration System It is easy to see that there are problems with illegal immigration today, which is why it has always been a hot topic in congress for the last two decades. The two issues to the problem that will be revealed throughout the duration of this paper are security, and economic. Senator Kelly Ayotte describes the current illegal immigration situation without flaw: The majority of Americans agree that our immigration system is broken and is not only threatening our security but also holding back our economy. For too long, politicians on both sides of the aisle in Washington have failed to lead on this issue. And no doubt there will be naysayers in this debate who will continue to make excuses for inaction. But I ran for the Senate to make tough, independent decisions to strengthen our country, and that's what it will take to solve our nation's immigration problem2. Security Issues with Illegal Immigration The first main concern of illegal immigration is the threat to our great nation's security. With the ever growing crime rates today, it is imperative that our boarders are kept strong to keep people from illegally entering the country. There was a recent study that examined California in the illegal alien aspect that brought to light some troubling facts on the fight against illegal immigrants. 95 percent of all outstanding homicide warrants and 65 percent of felony warrants in Los Angeles are for illegals. In southern California, 60 percent of gang members, who participate in assaults, drug distribution, robberies, extortion, and drive-by assassinations are illegal aliens. It starting to become clear that majority of these crimes are committed by the second generation of illegal immigrants. First generation illegal immigrants who come to America try to stay unnoticed because if they are caught, they will be deported. Once an illegal immigrant gives birth to a child in the United States, the child is now a ci