Olive and her husband Eddie, were on the way to an abandoned house after she got a call from her friend about an injured dog. They arrived at the scene and smelled something awful; like rotten meat. Both of them walked into the front yard of an abandoned house and saw a white dog with wounds all over him. Olive took a blanket, covered him, and rushed to the animal hospital. When Olive and Eddie were in the hospital, the veterinarian told them that the dog was an American Pit Bull Terrier and he had bitten wounds all over him. He probably was in a dogfighting ring. Olive and Eddie got scared because the dog was a “pit bull,” a vicious dog according to the media. However, when they went inside the emergency room, he started to walk toward them and lay down at their feet. Olive sat down with him and he started to kiss her face gracefully. The community needs to have programs that educate people about what pit bull really is because this can leave massive effects on pit bulls and can lead to their death. Pit bulls have an image problem (Brown). One million, two hundred and fifty thousand pit bulls are euthanized yearly in the US (Brown). For one and half decades, pit bulls were portrayed as violent killers (Cohen). Seventy-five communities banned pit bulls in the United Stated (Cohen). Twenty-six of seventy-two stories of pit bulls attacks were published by New York Times to portrayed the “negative image” of pit bulls (Cohen). Whatever it takes to be a good fighter, they are also the qualities to be the good dogs: “The qualities that make a dog a good fighter-intelligence, strength, stamina, and agility-also make them good pets” (Cohen). This proves to people that pit bulls are good breed. Pit bulls were not originated from America, but it was originated from England (Foster). During 1800s, pit bull was a gentle dog with the nickname “nanny dogs” in England (Brown). They were working on farms (Brown). In England, there was a time pit bulls were forcing to fight as a sport (Brown). Bull baiting were entertainment for the lower classes (BAD). However, dog-fighting business was started in England when the baiting was banned: “For a time these dogs were forced into ‘bull baiting’, a popular blood (and betting) sport in England until it was banned in 1835” (Brown). This started the whole new entertainment for people but it killed a lot of pit bulls. The English immigrants moved to America and brought pit bulls into the United States (“The Truth”). Earlier in America, pit bulls were valued more than their fighting abilities (Bad). They were helpers on family farm (Bad). They were also protectors of the house and babysitters for the owners’ children (Bad). Pit bulls were used for multiple tasks for their physical strength: “Bred for both their tenacity and their hearty physique, they were used as sporting dogs in a number of tasks” (Foster). Pit bulls can help people if they use them right because pit bulls can do multiple tasks. They were breed by crossing Old English bulldogs and terriers (Foster). The pit bull was also a favorite dog among politicians, scholars, and celebrities such as Helen Keller, Theodore Roosevelt, and the "Our Gang" Little Rascals (Bad). The true natures of pit bulls are not like what the media have portrayed. The terriers were breed to kill non-human creatures (Fuller). Pit bull is good to work with (Fuller). They are happy, have big tolerant and really friendly (Fuller). Pit bulls have a bond with humans (Gorant). The media is killing the reputation of pit bulls by the dog attack stories and called them vicious dogs. After the Rottweilers and Dobermans were news worthless, Pit bulls became the media spotlight because the media considered it as an abnormal crime (Cohen). It is normal for human to attack human but it is abnormal when an animal attack human (Cohen). The public uses the media for warning of dangerous pit bulls and they need to avoid (Cohen). However, the advocates of pit bulls feel that pit bulls portrayed unfairly by the media (Cohen). The New York Times keeps the negative reputation of pit bulls in readers mind by assuming that they are vicious (Cohen). Media gave pit bull a negative connotation (Beyond). Pit bulls were portrayed negatively since the 1800s: “The Pit Bull has been portrayed in the past one and a half decades as ‘‘the archetype of canine evil, predators of the defenseless. Unpredictable companions that kill and maim without discretion. Walking horror shows bred with an appetite for violence (sic)’’ (Cohen). This is the reason why people think pit bulls are vicious dogs and avoid them. The reporters can help pit bulls by look into pit bulls issues more deeply but it is easier for them not to do that (Cohen). Also, the media can misidentified other dogs’ attack as pit bulls’ (Cohen). For example, in January 2001, Presa Canario X Bullmastiff Cross attacked in San Francisco but the media report it was a pit bull