"Social distance" can be defined as ‘A movement away from another person or group that may include all or part of the following forms of separation; physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or social which permanently or momentarily severs a relationship of closeness.’ In the Best Picture Academy Award winning film, "Schindler's List," the viewer is led directly into the the horrors of a social structure gone completely awry. Many who watch this film are left asking how such an event could have taken place. How so many people could just sit idly by as this destructive plague ran rampant. The truth is much less dramatic and more logical. Adolf Hitler systematically broke down the State Institutions made to keep order and safety; which later became the catalyst for the dehumanization and genocide of an entire race. By using his charismatic authority he convinced and later forced Germany and its population to relinquish all power to him. The film is portrayed through the life experience of Oskar Schindler and his capitalist journey to take advantage of the social forces in play. The first of the institutions he took over was the political branch. Hitler used German pride to rally supporters, making it easier to sway them to his beliefs. He promised a glorious super powered Germany in the future. He used propaganda to make a false belief that the Jews were an inferior race and were to blame for the Nation’s economic trouble. Once this mindset was shared by the majority of the German population, they became eager to rise to its former greatness no matter what the repercussions. Through his charismatic behavior he poisoned the people into believing his lies, leaving behind reason, wisdom, logic, and their humanity. After WWI Germany as a Nation was struggling to recuperate from the effect of the war. Its economic state was frugal at best, those few who had money were hesitant to spend. The poor were eager to find something or someone