
Social Media and Person-to-Person Interaction

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We live in a society where social media now consumes our every waking moment and has become a distraction in social settings. There used to be a time when dinnertime was an opportunity to catch up with friends and family. Now your dinner mate/mates are checking their email, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram over meatloaf. Do you find that annoying? I think that if you do not have rules in place about technology in social situations, you should. In the world today we seem to always be online looking into the lives of each other through some social network, or playing some game on our phones. Social media and technology such as text messaging just give people a glimpse into the lives of those around us but do not actually give you the socialization that you would get through face to face interaction. Text messaging also known as SMS or short messaging service is just that, a service that should be used to send short messages. You cannot catch up on someone's life through a service that limits the number of characters that you can use. You can see cellphones in places that they were once not seen such as funerals, weddings, dinner, and even in toilets. Does this not seem like an obsession? People cannot put their phones down. I have seen people who have to be without their phone for any amount of time and it seems like their entire world is going to crumble. People seem to be getting the validation from social media that once reserved for their family members and friends. You can watch the enjoyment that people get when they get a like on their social media of choice. Opposition to this topic feels the opposite, that social media does not make people less social and in fact gives people more ways to connect with people and especially those that are far away from them. Friends and family that do not live in your state or even in your country can miss out on a lot of occasions and situations but through videos, messaging, and picture

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