
Overview of Teenage Pregnancy in America

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According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, teens fifteen and older who use drugs are more likely to be sexually active than are those who are drug free. Statistics reflect that 72% of teens who use drugs have had sex, compared to 36% who have not. Many teens that become pregnant feel as though the use of drugs and alcohol are what influenced the sexual behavior. Not only does the alcohol encourage the sexual activity but it also prevents the teens from properly using protection or even using protection at all. Another issue to take into account is that children with parents who have a history of drug and alcohol use are more likely to abuse illegal substances themselves. Children who experienced verbal, physical or sexual abuse during their childhood are more likely to engage in sexual activity at an earlier age. This then leads to pregnant teens, growing up with domestic violence as a norm and now they are raising a child of their own often in the same home. Nearly 75 percent of teen mothers live with their parents or relative after the child is born. Several studies have also found that teens are at an increased risk of physical abuse during pregnancy as compared to older women (National Campaign). Teen mothers are also faced with more hardships after the child is born. Teen moms are more likely to be unmarried single mothers than if you were to have your child at an older age. Father attachment and involvement has an important influence on child wellbeing. Studies show that having a high quality relation­ship with the father can reduce problem behavior among adolescents, and that boys and girls without involved fathers are twice as likely to drop out of school, twice as likely to abuse alcohol or drugs, and more likely to end up in jail. The financial responsibility alone is stressful enough, studies have shown it costs up to $250,000 to raise a child up to the age of 18 (Carl 2011). Steps towards preventing te

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