Think! Did your mobile help you get up this morning? Will you play videogames later? Does your father use the car's autopark system? Does your mother watch her soap opera in HD? These and other actions are daily situations in your life. Technology has involved us. In this essay I will analyze how technology help us and how also it damages us. Specifically, I will talk about the technology in our home. Technology is a big support in our lives, especially at home. People can do the laundry with a washing machine. Everybody can call our parents if we don't live with them. Even with a smartphone we can make a reservation for going to the cinema. With technology the entire world can do amazing things. On the other hand technology also damages us. We keep cellphones near of us, so we stand awake for a long time. This action causes sleep disorders. Also a Japanese research by Kyoto University says if children have tablets they probably will be shier. In my opinion it is true because infants only are interacting with the device. In addition this might be the reason that lot of children wear glasses early, because they spend lot of time in front of these devices. Although this may be true technology helps a lot in our home. For example in rainy days you are a lucky guy if you have an automatic door at garage. Only touching a knob door opens. So next rainy season you won't get wet. Whereas technology it is a perfect helper it also can kill us. According to El Universal, a Mexican newspaper, in a research by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, using microwave oven at home could modifying food an as a result we get cancer. This fact happens because the radioactive waves modify the inner structure of the food, especially in vegetables. However with Internet we make easier things. For instance, we are able to make payments from our house. Only with a computer and a net spot you can pay electricity, credit cards, etc. With this action we av