
Finding Our Purpose in Life

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"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." - Ralph Waldo Emerson What is the point of having a TV with no cable? What is the point of living life, if it has no purpose? In order to make life worthwhile and to get the most of it you have to give it purpose. But what is the purpose of life? The purpose of each individual's life may be different, but there will always be the same basic foundation for everyone. There are three main basic requirements to fulfill in order to have a life full of purpose: be useful, be honorable, and be compassionate. To start off with trying to identify the purpose of life, you first have to know what a purpose is. One of the dictionary definitions of purpose is: use. What are you going to use your life for? Some people sit around and let it go to waste, but if you want to fully live life then a starting point is to be useful. This may be one of the smaller and first steps in living a life of purpose, but we all have to start somewhere. We have a limited time to find the purpose of our lives, so with the little time we do have we have to use it. Use it to live. They say live every day like it's your last because then it will make you want to go out and seize the day. You won't have to deal with one of the most prominent human character traits of laziness and miss out on life because you didn't want to get out of bed. If everyone had the mentality of living every day like it's your last they would use it up as much as they could. It is when you are out experiencing the world around you, that is when you find purpose in life. You discover new things and new meanings. You have to live your life with use because you never know what can happen. Using your life will make sure you won't regret anything. You want to live this perfect life full of purpose and meaning, but you have to figure it out. You have to go out in the world to figure it out. You have to take the most of what you have because things change constantly. You can't not use your life and sit out for a day because then you will be missing out on things you can't get back. Your purpose can change day from day because nothing is ever set in stone, there are always those moments of impact in your life that change everything. "The moment of impact. The moment of impact proves potential for change. Has ripples effects far beyond what we can predict. Sending some particles crashing together. Making them closer than before. While sending others spinning off into great ventures. Landing them where you've never thought you've found them. That's the thing about moments like these. You can't, no matter how hard you try, controlling how it's gonna affect you. You just go

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