
Supercharger and Turbocharger Engines

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Superchargers are devices used to force air into an engine. Thats why they call it forced induction. There are three types of superchargers: roots, twin screw, and centrifugal. A roots style blower sits on top of the engines intake manifold, it has two, three lobe shafts inside that are connected to a pulley. A belt runs from the pulley down to the crankshaft pulley. When the engine is running, the lobes inside the roots blower compress air and force it into the engine. The roots blower generates some heat so an intercooler is needed for any substantial power gains. The next type of blower is a twin screw blower. The twin screw blower is basically the same as a roots blower except the shafts inside are like screws. The last type of supercharger is a centrifugal supercharger. The centrifugal supercharger is mounted to a bracket on the front of the engine. A belt runs from the pulley on the supercharger to the crankshaft pulley. The engine spins the supercharger which turns the compressor blade and forces air into the engine. Centrifugal superchargers do not generate much heat so an intercooler is not needed. Turbochargers are a specific type of supercharger. Turbos have the same internal workings as a centrifugal supercharger. The only difference is instead of being belt driven it is exhaust driven. There is another turbine where the pulley would be on a centrifugal supercharger. The engines headers feed the exhaust gasses into the turbine. When the turbine spins it spins the compressor blade it forces air into the engine. Turbos get extremely hot so an intercooler and an oil feed line is very important, superchargers are better because they have a more broad power band, they require less parts to install, and they are safer for your engine. The first reason that superchargers are better is the broad range of power. Since superchargers are directly connected to the engine via belt, it is always creating boost when the engine is running.

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