In 1780, France was facing its worst financial crisis in history because of bad weather resulting in crop failures. France was also in debt because of money borrowed to support the American Revolution. The king at this time period was king Louis xvi he was thought of as a weak ruler and Marie Antoinette king's wife's poor spending habits didn't help the economy. To make up for all this debt 50% of France's lower classes already low wages went to the king. This low social class was called the Third Estate and made up 97% of the population. Frances wanted change so the king called the Estates General which was a meeting of all the social classes held on May 5 1789 to vote by order on laws but the third estate was always out voted. The Estates General didn't contribute to the rise of democracy because the lower class had no say in the government and also the estates General was lead by a monarchy and not a separation of powers. France's lower class, the Third Estate, were locked out of the Estates General and decided to move to the tennis courts and started their own meeting called the National assembly. The National Assembly made a pledge not to disband until they wrote a new constitution. The tennis court oath contributed to a rise of democracy because it was an example of citizens governing themselves and it lead to the constitution of 1791. King Louis didn't like the National assembly because he feared that France wouldn't need a king and over through him. King Louis had a plot to take military action to disband the National assembly .The National assembly heard of king Louis's plan and on July 17 1789 the National assembly took action by attacking a prison named the Bastille in search of gunpowder and arms to defend themselves. The storming of the Bastille contributed to the rise of democracy because it protected the national assembly that was a democracy and also leads to the French revolution. Bread was a big part of the French's