
The Phases of the Armenian Genocide

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The Armenian genocide was implemented in two different phases, which were both brutal and wrong. First, was the wholesale killing of the able bodied male population. This was done through massacre and labor. The men were killed and tortured in terrible ways. Ottoman soldiers would often behead men, burn them alive, poison them, and in some cases rip off limbs and other body parts and let the victim bleed to death. The second phase was the deportation of Armenian children, women, and elders. These people were forced out of their homes, and to march into the desert with no food or water. They were told they were being moved into military housing for their own safety, but this was not the case. They Ottoman soldiers would make them keep marching until eventually they died of fatigue and starvation. The women were also often raped and then burned alive when the men were done with them. The list of the methods of killing goes on and on, and only gets worse and worse. The final death toll of these events is estimated to be between 1 and 1.5 million people. It has now become the second most studied case of Genocide in human history and is thought of as one of the first modern genocides. For many years Turkey denied the occurrence of the events and that this was actually genocide, but in more recent years they have accepted that this was genocide. Now that we've discussed what happened during this time, I bet you are wondering why exactly this happened. Well, the history of the Armenian people in this area goes way back. For about 3,00 years a thriving Armenian community has been present in the area of the Middle East, which is bordered by the Black, Mediterranean and Caspian Seas. Today this area is known as Anatolia. Over thousands of years great powers have risen and fallen in this region. Despite this, the Armenian people and culture remained in this area the whole time. In the 11th century a new great power appeared, which was the Turk

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