
Schindler's List

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According to the Internet Movie Database, "Schindler's List" is Steven Spielberg's third best movie he has directed. Spielberg uses all different types of imagery to depict how it actually was back when the Nazi's were committing genocide. He uses specific specific people to show how bad it was. Death is used by showing how easily the Nazi soldiers would kill an innocent jew.The Girl in the Red Coat is also used to show that anyone can be killed. Spielberg also adds in that they used jewish gravestones to pave a road throughout the labor camp. He uses all these images to create such a sad, but powerful movie. First, the german officers held the lives of millions of jews in their hands, and they took it away with a single bullet. They would take their lives execution style. Oskar employs a man that has one arm. Later on in the film, he is seen shoveling snow well, trying to shovel snow. An SS officer then shoots the man right in the head, and his blood is shown rushing down the white snow. The SS officer had not even hesitated, he pulled his gun out and shot. In a later scene, a woman engineer is shown rushing over to the officers to tell them that they need to rebuild the building or it will collapse. An order is given to kill her, they shoot her in cold blood. Her blood is then stained in the surrounding snow. And after she is killed, the commanding officer gives an order to rebuild the building. He killed her for no reason; no reason at all. The german officers are careless, lifeless people. In addition, the entire film is filmed in black-and-white, so the director can make certain objects stick out. For instance, The Girl in the Red Coat is a little girl about six years of age. Oskar spots her from the top of a mountain running, and hiding from the german officers. Then, later on in the movie, Oskar is walking through a camp, and spots this girl, dead in wheelbarrow. The wheelbarrow is also filled with other people. Oskar's facia

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