Growing up in a church-going family, faith played a very important part in lives. Faith, to me, is to understand and trust that everything will work out for my good. There is no set definition for it. It is different for every person. It comes from the heart and from the comfort and feeling it leaves you with. Having faith in yourself, a decision you've made, or in another person not to let you down can be scary, but it can also leave you will an unexplainable peace. Trusting and having faith fully that nothing can happen that faith in God can't fix is the most calming feelings. Faith is always there with me before I hit the ups and downs. My faith in God has guided me to exactly where I need to be. Without faith in myself, it is almost impossible to believe that one can make it anywhere in their life. Whether it is to make the grade one needs on a test or whether or not to take a job opportunity, faith is there. Now of course, my faith is in God. Not everyone believes in God. It is still equally important to have faith in oneself. After all, it is the physical body that has to go through with the actions. Having confidence to follow through on an action can cause faith to grow. Sometimes things can happen to test our faith in ourselves. There have been times when I thought that there is no point in trusting in faith because so much has happened to hurt me that faith and trust hasn't gotten me anywhere so far. It wasn't until I looked back on the “me” that I was growing up, the “me” in high school/early college or even the “me” from 6 months ago. Things happen to change us and rock our world. They change us either for the better or for the worse. We have the control to how it affects us. We can either run from it or learn from it and let it make us stronger. We can learn to have stronger love, stronger hope in people, and altogether stronger faith. I’ve learned that the more I go through, the stronger I get and the more that I learn, the more faith I have in myself and in God. Between the two of us, anything and everything can be done. Faith can be the gut feeling one has before they kiss a girl for the first time or cliff diving and knowing that you're going to come back up for air. Faith is getting up every day and living. This world is a cruel world sometimes. Getting out of