
The Function of Family

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A family is a set of persons who are related to each other by blood, marriage or adoption. It is a universal social institution. In one form or another, it is found in every society in the world. Families differ from one another in their composition and size. Unlike animals, human beings are totally helpless when they are born and they need to be cared for until they are old enough to look after themselves. I most societies, the institution responsible for the upbringing of children is the family. The Family is the oldest and the most important of the major social institutions. Social Functions of the Family: 1. Socialization (transmitting culture) 2. Sex and reproduction 3. Maintenance of the individual (material and emotionally) Family Forms 1) Family of Orientation - is the family into which an individual is born (mother, brother, etc.) 2) Family of Procreation - is the family which the individual forms by getting married 3) Nuclear Family - Husband, wife, and their offspring 4) Extended Family - nuclear family plus everyone else to whom you consider yourself to be related Changing Roles Within the Family The role of the family in the rehabilitation process is paramount to the child's continued recovery and changing needs. Professionals need to recognize the omnipotent role that families have as "partners" in the care of their children. In the past, men and women had clearly distinct roles to play in society. The husband was the breadwinner and worked outside the home. it was the wife's duty to do the household work. They had separate leisure activities. They had different set of friends. In other words, the roles were segregated. But now the roles tend to become joints. Although the wife still looks after the children and does the household work, the husband also helps. He often helps in washing the dishes, ironing clothes and sharing other domestic duties. Increasingly both husband and wife take decision together concerning

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