
Three Child Development Theories

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Objective 1 Select three theories of child development from units 1 and 2 of the module. For each theory selected, outline the key points of this theory and discuss how these theories have influenced your work practice in relation to decisions around design and delivery of services. Response The first theory I have decided to select is Mary Ainsworth’s (1970) attachment theory. Ainsworth identified three main types of attachment including Avoidant Attachment, Ambivalent Attachment and Secure Attachment. Being aware of each of these types of attachments gives a good, clear insight into how to react correctly when the child is separated from its mother. For example, if a child shows signs of secure attachment we know that the child will be upset when the mother leaves but can slowly be reassured and comforted through play and contact until the mothers return. The second theory I selected is B.F. Skinner’s Operant Conditioning. Skinner (1948), believed that behaviour can be shaped by using positive and negative reinforcements and positive and negative punishments, His findings of positive and negative reinforcements and punishments have greatly influenced the work of a childcare worker. This impacts our work as we can differentiate the times when correct reinforcement or punishment should be given to the child for example, praising a child when they have done something well (positive reinforcement) or taking away a toy to punish bad behaviour (negative punishment). Lastly, the third theory I have selected is Friedrich Froebel’s philosophy that incorporating the importance of the mother in a child’s development into school life and education is essential for a child’s development. Froebel’s Kindergarten (1840) still continues to have a huge impact on child care workers as we incorporate song, dance, story time and other activities that can also be done in the home. This can also be seen through kitchen play and children tak

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