Everyone must learn to adapt and diversify in life. Many people believe sticking to traditions is the way to go, but others find that change is the right pathway. Change is inevitable, for only through change can something survive. We all need change; John Wyndham shows this by giving us three locations, Fringes, New Zealand, and Waknuk that have clear proof that shows change is the key to our growth. To begin with change was apparent in the fringes, and had an affect on everyone. Firstly change will bring many new forms of life. "It'll be new, and new kinds of plants and creatures will appear. (Wyndham 154) Basically, this shows that as time goes by, and change is coming into play these new plants and creatures will bring us advances in medical and biological studies. Moreover change will let people see things from a different perspective to help them. For example "The bodice of her dress was ragged, a nondescript tawny colour, with stains on it. There were no sleeves, but what struck me most was that it bore no cross." (165) Overall, even though she lived like a savage, she understood that the morals she grew with were right, even though they weren't accepted in "normal life." Finally, change in the environment, and differences in people around you affect the decisions you make. For instance; "and-must lives like a savage among savages" (161). In Waknuk he had a good life although, once he was recognized with this "mutation" he had to move to the Fringes where on the other hand he had to live like a brute this influenced the decisions he made which greatly affected him in the end. In other words, change is apparent in the fringes, and had an effect on everyone. Secondly, change in Waknuk was clearer, and shown through deviations. To begin with, change is eventually accepted in all ways of life. In this case; "The moment he set eyes on the huge creature, standing twenty six hands at the shoulder, he knew it was wrong