This very gloomy and fictional tale of Frankenstein shows the reaction between a monster and its creator. Taking place during the Industrial Revolution time, it demonstrates a very interesting point about science involved since it was during the times when science was advancing quite quickly with new discoveries, also it makes the readers notice a line between pure science and playing god. Victor Frankenstein the creator of the monster was very interested in science since the beginning of the book. When he was young he mentioned how fascinated he was watching a thunderstorm: "As I stood at the door, on a sudden I beheld a stream of fire issue from an old and beautiful oak, which stood about twenty yards from our house; and so soon as the dazzling light vanished, the oak had disappeared, and nothing remained but a blasted stump" (Shelley 22). Here the audience notices Victor's fascination for electricity of how the oak vanishes, and his love for science. He left his hometown of Geneva to study at a university of Ingolstadt as a chemist. Victor wanted to "...explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of creation" (Shelly 28). Science is portrayed in the book "Frankenstein" through Victor's process of his creation, as stated. But since this book was written in the midst of vast scientific advances and the advent of the Industrial Revolution, and the 1700's was when electricity was just discovered, Shelley the author seems to be very advanced in science. Because still today we apply the same type of science that Victor created in the 1700's, she seemed to be very modernized. Today we have higher technology and more source of electricity we are trying to do artificial intelligence, cloning, DNA, genetics, neuroscience, and stem cells, which Victor was able to do in the past with no source of technology and high electricity that we have today (Baker). The monsters type fears, were because of how the villagers