Psalm 119:1 "Your Word is a lamp unto my feet: Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord! " I would like to bring to your attention, two quotes from two well-known Orthodox teachers about the relationship between the Bible and the Church: "In the great Tradition of the Orthodox Church, the Bible is the central source of truth and the most creative factor behind the worship, doctrine and practice of the Church. The great Fathers and saints of the Church viewed the Bible as an ocean of divine mysteries, having inexhaustible breadth and astonishing depths." - Father Theodore Stylianopoulos "The Bible is the book of the Church. It is the main written authority within the Church, not over or apart from it. Everything in the Church must be biblical: for the Church, in order to be the Church, must be wholly expressive of the Bible. The Bible lives in the Church! Without the Church, there would be no Bible. The Church gives the Bible its life as a book. It makes the book come alive!" - Father Thomas Hopko Orthodox Christians understand the Bible as central to the life, teaching and worship of the Church and the Church's life teaching and worship as wholly expressive of the Bible. The Bible is not merely a single book, but a whole library of books containing many different kinds of writings: poetry, prayers, hymns, historical narratives, biographies, prophecies, letters, proverbs, love songs and much, much more. So the Bible contains a rich variety of books, authors and contents. But what constitutes the unifying theme of all these different kinds of writings? The Bible “literally, the Book - is first and foremost the story of God's love for His creation, His love for the human race, His love for you and me, beginning with the creation of the universe in Genesis, continuing through the formation of the nation of Israel and the sending of His prophets in the Old Testament; and, "in these last days" (Hebre