There is a serious lack of parking spaces at Prairie View A&M University. Many of the students have a low income and are struggling to maintain success in school and their living conditions on campus. The lack of parking spaces on campus leads to traffic which causes expensive traffic accidents and/or violations, wasted class/work time, and an increase of negative tension amongst students and faculty. Although for some people, this, “lack of parking spaces” seems to be a minor inconvenience, I will break down its negative effects on students/faculty and explain a few ways this HBCU can correct this issue with examples from solutions used in similar cases. I know that I speak for most people who attend Prairie View A&M University when I say that it is hard to find a parking space when you’re going to class or to any other building on campus. First of all, the faculty parking lots are bigger than needed. According to PVAMU’s recruitment page under PV info, over 50% of students who go to Prairie View live on campus and the student to teacher ratio are 18:1. Even with this known fact, teachers have been granted bigger parking area that restricts students and commuters from parking or they will be fined. Half of the time, the faculty staff parking area is half way full while the students parking area is always overcrowded with cars parking everywhere from on the grass and dirt roads to on the side of the street kilometers away from their desired destination. This is a major inconvenience for students that have classes scheduled one after another and really don’t have time to find a parking space, walk a great distance and make it to every class on time. I have seen students argue/fight over parking spaces which is really ridiculous however, with these conditions, who can blame them? Another negative effect of the lack of parking spaces in Prairie View, besides the loss of productivity time occurred during a search for a parking space, is the fact that despite the parking conditions there has been an increase of parking violations administered by the campus parking patrol unit. It is to the point where you never know if your car is safe in the parking space you've selected