
Islam, Muslims and the Western World Perception

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Introduction What is one of the first things you think about when you see a Muslim? A bomb? The Islam Bomb is always there, waiting for a Muslim to set it off, a Muslim with the will to kill, a Muslim who takes Islam seriously. By analysing the chosen image according to Edward Said's theory of Orientalism, I will discuss a few reasons why most of the West marginalize and otherwise Muslims and their religion. Orientalism Edward Said describes that Orientalism is a direct result of events regarding conflict between the West and the East dating as far back as the middle ages (Said 1977:57), explains that from a very early stage in Europe's history they had already drawn an imaginary line between themselves and Asia. From as long ago as the Middle Ages had Arabs been branded as a threat because of their frequent attacks on the European borders, this in effect traumatized Europe (Said 1977:59). Said then further examined medieval writings studying how the perception of the orient (Asia) was sculpted by different authors over time, these authors created their own picture of this distant exotic place where less advanced savages (Asian people) lived. (Said 1977:59-65) Said then shifts his focus on our current era focusing primarily on American stereotypes towards Arabs. According to Said these stereotypes are strengthened by the conflict between Israel and Arab states where oil has been used as a lever of pressure (Said 1977:286). This stereotype can clearly be witnessed by portraying the Arabs as bloodthirsty terrorists on television and movies. (Said 1977:286) Said gives another example where he explains that the survey called "The Arabs in American textbooks reveal the most shocking inaccurate perception of ethnic religious groups" (Said 1977:287). Analysis Figure 1 is an illustration by Bosch Fawstin; a cartoonist and graphic novel writer. The illustration targets the entire Islamic religion, because of the Islamic moon and star and

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