
Short Story - The Week that Killed Me

21 Pages 620 Words 1557 Views

At this very moment, I'm about to plunge to my death. It’s the dead of winter, and what I have of a left of a life has become so unbearable I wish I was like the winter. Dead. But I am getting ahead of myself. I set my mind on doing this a week ago when every wrong thing in my life blew up in that one terrible week. That one week was the one that made my life so utterly and completely agonizing that I just can't stand it anymore. I'm not popular. Not by a long shot. In fact, I am so far from popular that I'm the brunt of most of the popular people’s jokes. I thought high school would be different from middle school. No such luck. It’s not that I’m ugly; I’d like to think I’m pretty. I have long strawberry blond curly hair that goes just past my rib cage and blazing green eyes, rosy cheeks, and tan skin. No, that’s not the reason nobody likes me. It’s Ashlynn; she hates my guts and anyone that talks to me. She made it known that anyone that associates with me outside of class or doesn't treat me like crap, she will ruin them. So no one talks to me unless they have to or if they're calling me names. Not that I can blame her for hating me after what I did to her. Not only does she hate me, but she also knows my darkest secrets. We used to be friends. I told her almost everything. She became my friend when I first came to Chicago from Gary, Indiana. Now she uses my secrets against me, and says that if I retaliate or tell anyone what she says to me, she'll expose me. No one can know what I've done, because if anyone does, there’s no telling what will happen. I’ll probably go to jail, or worse. There are worse things in my life going on then the things that are happening at school. My father is addicted to alcohol, and ever since my mother’s death it’s gotten worse. I have two younger sisters that I have to protect from my dad now that moms dead. She used to protect us from dad’s beatings, but now that she

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