Elizabeth, Oh beloved Elizabeth, could it truly be that I am the one that caused this; could this really be the result of my actions? Why must everything that I hold closest to me, be torn from my grasp? I, Victor am the one that gave this vile creator life, I am its creator, it God! And all this monster does, is take the lives closest to me. As you lie there my dear Elizabeth, I stare into your eyes. It brings forth the memories of our innocent youth and the joys we brought one another. Do you remember the day, that mother brought you to me? That event stays clear in my mind. I swore to myself that I would be your protector Elizabeth. But as you lie there no longer with a beating heart, does it only bring more pain to me. As I realise that I have failed you my dear Elizabeth. I have let you down, as it was not the monster that took you from this earth, but me, Victor you husband, the one that was meant to protect you and the one that loved you. I can not hold back the pain of denial no longer, as I tell you what I had done, I beg for your forgiveness and that you may understand me. Elizabeth I had become, obsessed, I turned into a man of solitude. My fascination with the "secret of life" had become both my motivation, but had also been the cause for my downfall. I spent many months isolated from the world around me, that the walls surrounding me became so re-assuring. It was during these months that I began to collected many parts of human remains. You would have been so frightened in the person I had turned into Elizabeth. I had brought these limbs from death to life, I had played God Elizabeth. I had formed this creation into this huge, vile monster, whose skin was a pale yellow, his eyes watery his hair black and slick. Elizabeth I was ashamed of what I had created, how could I have been so lost in my work, that I couldn't see what I had turned into. This was the beginning my dear Elizabeth of my transformation into a man disil