Abstract The study principally looked at the impact of internal marketing on service delivery within the banking industry with particular emphasis on Barclays Bank Ghana limited. Other specific objectives included: To find out how internal marketing can positively impact on employee commitment towards the organization and its customers, to examine the benefit of practicing internal marketing to Barclays bank, to determine the impact of internal marketing practices on customer satisfaction and to analyze ways in which internal marketing can improve an organizations' overall productivity. A Sample of forty respondents were used for the purpose of this study, 20 of which were for employees and 20 for customers of the bank. An interview session was conducted for some selected managers. The study is mainly qualitative and as such, a non probability sampling technique (convenience sampling) was used to select respondents for this research. A combination of self administered and face to face contact was used to solicit for the primary data. The questionnaires were the major data collection source, with face to face contact used to augment explanations and additional information. Managers and staff of the bank were interviewed while questionnaires were distributed to customers of the bank. Data was then extracted from the respondents and analyzed using the Statistical Program Social Sciences (SPSS) Software which includes tables, frequencies, charts and histograms. The findings revealed that employees needed to be motivated so as to deliver exceptional customer service. Again it was revealed that for the organization to satisfy customers' needs and wants, employees must understand the bank's internal policies laying much emphasis on internal marketing strategies in the delivery of satisfactory services. The study concludes that satisfied employees will lead to satisfied customers and quality service delivery. The researcher also recommends that Management should invest in time to educate staff on the internal policies and practices at all levels of the business. Management must ensure that there is managerial competence in interpersonal, technical and conceptual skills within the organization while individual conflict and disagreement between departments must be avoided to ensure successful implementation of internal marketing. The researcher also recommends that Internal Marketing policies should be vigorously pursued. Acknowledgement Glory and honor be to God Almighty for His goodness and mercies that have sustained me throughout my stay at Central University College. I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, Mr. Francis Kumah, who in spite of his schedule, thoroughly guided me to bring this research to a successful end and whose patience and firmness has made me that much stronger. Dedication To God be the glory for the strength and guidance provided for a successful completion of this work. I therefore dedicate this whole project to the glorification of this name. Background to to the Study In recent times, the banking sector in Ghana has seen a phenomenal growth (currently there are 26 licensed banks and 125 rural banks). Competition in the banking industry is becoming increasingly stiff, particularly with the recent entry of number foreign banks. Competition in the banking industry in Ghana has become more competitive than before. To emerge as leaders in the banking sector, banking intuitions need to satisfy the final customer (ie individuals and cooperate intuitions). Satisfied customers can be achieved if employees are satisfied. With almost all of the banks offering the same products and services, there must be emphasis on service providers to make them more customer oriented, hence the need for internal marketing. Brief Overview of the Case ( Barclays started operation in Ghana since 1917, and now has 89 branches, 51 sales centers and 118 ATMs across the country, serving personal and corporate banking customers. Barclays Ghana has a major corporate banking network with branches in all of the country's main business districts. In Ghana, Barclays offers: - Retail banking: everyday personal banking, including Prestige and Premium services - Corporate banking: offers business banking services, including microfinance accounts, which enable people with minimal funds to benefit from secure banking services - Barclaycard: offers international credit and debit card facilities - Internet Banking: An internet transactional banking solution that offers its value customers access to view, track, transfer and effect payment on their account regardless of their location on the globe Barclay's strategy is to achieve good growth through time by diversifying its business base and increasing its presence in markets and segments that are growing rapidly. This is driven by the group's ambition to become one of a handful of universal banks leading the global financial services industr