In the play "The Cherry Orchard," by Anton Chekhov, pride and an ability to come to terms with change of one's past are put to the test. The action of the play comes through three of the main characters each have their own personal strengths and weaknesses. All values have roots and their roots can distinctly be traced back to pride and the idea of whether or not they move on with their lives, or lie down and die when some kind of obstacle faces them. It comes down to how they deal with their pasts individually. The plot of "The Cherry Orchard" revolves around what the character, Mrs. Ranevsky, feels important. She lives in the past, she wants relive/stay there forever; in the times before she was in debt because she followed her so called love to Paris and the time before she lost her son to the tragic drowning in the river. Those were wonderful times she doesn't want to hold them just as a memory but actually as a reality. She lives in a depressed present state and to escape reality, she relives the past! Reminiscence is the value that is a big factor of her escaping. If a memory or idea has any sentimental value she keeps it close to her heart and won't let anyone near it. This is the idea behind why she is so unwilling to sell her home and the orchard. There are so many materialistic things that she could sell to assist is starting her way out of debt, though she is was to attached to the items to let anything go to help herself. Proof of that would be in the play when she kisses the table; she is emotional attached to them. Ranevsky's internal weakness is her stubbornness to move on past what she has dealt with in her life. She is unwilling to give up any golden day luxury. It's not that she doesn't want to face the facts of her past of no understanding that she needs to face it, yet it is just easier to keep living in her illusion that absolutely nothing has or will change. Acting in the idea of self-pride! One way to show thi