The first known Jew to settle into the new world was thirty-five years before the pilgrims landed in New England was Joachim Gans. What did Joachim Gans of Prague have in common with Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Francis Walsingham, Secretary of the State to Queen Elizabeth, and Sir Francis Drake? They were all collaborators in the enterprise to bring European civilization to North America. However, of the four, Gans was the only one to actually live in America, which was the first English settlement. Just as the early beginnings of this country may be traced to the hundred and nine men who attempted to establish a settlement in 1585, similarly, the beginning of American industry can be traced to English company. Joachim Gans was the key figure in the first attempt to establish a productive enterprise in the colony, which is considered the cradle of the United States. His humble smelting furnace in the Virginia wilderness prefigured this country’s immensely productive industry. Joachim was the first mineral expert and metallurgist in the colony, which was seminal for the United States. He and the famous Thomas Harriot was the first scientist in the English colony, which helped to lay the foundations for the United States. Joachim’s arrival in the New World in 1585, as the first immigrant from Continental Europe and as the first Jew foreshadowed America as a pluralistic society. Joachim was born into the well-knows Gans family of Prague. This family originated in Lippstadt, Westphalia, Germany. There are beliefs that Joachim was the son of the famous renaissance astronomer, David Gans, who was also a geographer, mathematician, and chronicler. This however is not confirmed. David Gans settled in Prague in the year 1564, it was here that he married his second wife. Had Joachim been born almost immediately after David settled there, Joachim would have been less than seventeen years old in 1581, by this time, he introduced a new smelting technique in England. Joachim Gans travelled to America from England. Gans was invited to England by a clerk of the Society of Mines Royal, George Needham. The reason Joachim Gans was brought to England was to improve the mining operations in metallurgy. His unique skills and brilliant ideas about mineral smelting and mineral dressing was the reason he was brought to England to explain and demonstrate the skills to the English people. Joachim was a foreigner among the Englishmen who practiced a different religion; later, adjusting in the society would have been difficult. However, Joachim Gans adapted well to the surroundings and continued to make his technological contributions. He was responsible to find and test the quality of the metals in the region, which was believed to make everyone’s fortune. It was the summer of 1585, when Joachim Gans reached America aboard the ship of Sir Walter Raleigh, which was commanded by Sir Richard Grenville. It was on 26 June that Joachim Gans reached at the barrier islands near North Carolina, which was known as Cape Hatteras during that time. The flagship, the Tiger, was piloted to safe harbor beyond the outward islands on 29th of June, as the water passage was shallow; nonetheless, th