The following paragraphs will discuss the way I assess my student's progress and the strategies I use to track assessments. I teach beauty therapy Level 2 theory to key stage 3 & 4. My assessment process is tailored to meet the individual needs of my students who at times find it difficult to focus and access the curriculum. The first part of the lesson is theory, which ends with a practical task aimed at assessing students' general understanding of what they have learnt during a module. Inclusive learning is a great way for my learners to take full control of their own work and discover new strategies for working independently without relying on the teachers input. Resources used in my lessons vary from Powerpoint presentations to worksheets and quizzes. This method is aimed at those learners who are visual learners and who struggle academically. Fun activities designed to keep learners engaged and participating in lesson helps me identify where learners are throughout the course. Summative assessment is again used during the theory side of my lessons students will fill out a question / answer sheet, which is designed to test their knowledge and recap on previous work. I use a number of resources in my lessons, for example: educational films, videotapes and worksheets, my learner finds this useful, and feels it helps her understand the work when she watches visual content. Numeracy and literacy is embedded into my scheme of work and weekly lesson plans. Students are encouraged to practice their numeracy and literacy skills across the curriculum. The learning style of my students vary, so differentiated learning plays a key role in my classes. Each child capabilities are different so I ensure my lesson plans include a number of resources that I can use to include all learners. Ensuring that each individual can develop a better understanding of the module. My students find formal exams daunting due to the pressures and high expectations. Less formal assessments and coursework works better with my class. "There are many different types of activities that can be used to assess students' proficiency on a given learning objective, and the same activity can be used to assess different objectives. To ensure more accurate assessment of student proficiencies, it is recommended that you use different kinds of activities so that students have multiple ways to practice and demonstrate their knowledge and skills' Beverly" (2013). Continuous assessing of my students is vital when ensuring all learners feel they've achieved and met our expectations throughout the course. Feedback to students is given on a weekly basis as I feel it is important for them to reflect on practice and evaluate their own areas for improvement. One to ones to discuss targets with students are also part of the assessment process. "In essence, assessment is an activity used to appraise pupils' performance. The learning outcomes promoted by schools involve helping pupils to develop knowledge, understanding skills and attitudes. Assessment thus consists of techniques you can use to monitor pupil's progress in terms of specific learning outcome Kyriacou" (1998 p.102). Formative assessment is used during our feedback sessions, which is aimed at encouraging our learners to access the curriculum by themselves working independently, to identify areas for improvement. Students submit one or two sentences reflecting on the previous lesson, which identifies any weakness or problem areas. For example, all learners will have their worked marked with feedback on the positives and ways to improve further. Learners will then have the opportunity to discuss problem areas with myself and look at areas for improvement. Progress maps are resource used for tracking assessment data and analysing progress made by my learners in conjunction with formative assessments from the beginning of the course right through to the end. The curriculum framework outlines the learning