
The Moons of Earth

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Earth is a strange planet; sustaining life - human, mammal and all other living creatures. Outside earth, there has not been definite proof declaring that life exists on any other planet. For many years, people have been coming up with various hypotheses about how life could exist somewhere else besides Earth. Life is a characteristic that pertains to objects that have the ability to grow, react to stimuli, and to reproduce. All life on Earth is based on carbon chemistry with water as the principal solvent. The Earth has many characteristics that allow it to sustain life. For example, the distance from the Sun is what made liquid water possible on Earth through the water cycle, which is a vital element for life on Earth. Furthermore, the Earth's atmosphere is another important feature which is retained by Earth's gravity. Also, one other important aspect of Earth is its magnetosphere which is made possible by Earth's rotations and massive core. All of these characteristics help organisms live on Earth. Finding all of these characteristics together somewhere else outside of Earth appears to be a very hard task to accomplish. However, scientists, for many years now, have been conducting tests and experiments to find evidence of life outside of Earth. Scientists find it unbelievable that out of the entire universe, the Earth is the only planet body that sustains living organisms. The debate about the possibility of life outside of Earth has taken a turn in the previous years. Now, the debate is about which other planet body is more likely to have sustained life or sustains life in the present. Some scientists believe that is more probable to find life on Mars than elsewhere in the universe. On the other hand, often scientists claim that it is more possible to find evidence for life on the moons of gas giant planets such as Europa or Titan. Each side of the debate approaches the situation differently by each arguing different aspects of either Mars or the gas giants' moons. Personally, I believe that it is more possible to find life on the gas giant moons than on Mars, such as Europa and Titan, because of their atmosphere, surface, and better chances of containing water molecules. Over hundreds of years, Mars has been explored by humans trying to look for more answers to their questions. Since the invention of the telescope, scientists have been looking at Mars to try to reveal its characteristics in search for evidence of life. Many spacecrafts and rovers have been sent to Mars to find information about its geology and atmosphere. After all of these experiments were conducted, scientists found out many interesting details about the planet Mars. These many details are what make some scientists believe it is possible to find evidence about past or present life in Mars. Scientists claim that Mars' tilt of about twenty-five degrees and its rotation of about twenty-four hours and thirty-seven minutes, which are fairly similar to Earth's, could be factors that help Mars sustain life on its own (Williams, 2010). The similarity between tilt and rotation means that Mars could have the same seasons' periods and days' length such as Earth. One mor

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