
Civil Engineering as a Concept in Ender's Game

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In the novel "Ender's Game," by Orson Scott Card, a genetically superior child is born solely for one purpose, to command Earth's defenses against an eminent alien attack. Ender is mankind's only hope to survive, and to ensure that he is prepared he is sent to Battle School. While there, the military monitors his every move. There he competes in an army based zero gravity game. Ender quickly becomes the top of his class despite being younger than everyone else. Ender is moved to Command School five years early because he is so skilled. There he plays an even more intense simulation game. Unknowingly Ender uses real ships in the simulation. On the last level he blows up the alien planet and the alien race as well. The traits that Ender portrays throughout the novel are very similar to that of the stereotypical engineer. There are many things that go into being an engineer. The real challenge is obtaining the job, through years of studying, certifications, and licenses an engineering job is very tedious to obtain. The day-to-day responsibilities of a civil engineer are very detail oriented; one cannot make any mistakes. Throughout their career a civil engineer will encounter many other people that they must collaborate and communicate with. Civil engineers must have certain traits that allow for social interactions. The best part about being a civil engineer is the benefits. However, there are a few downsides to being a civil engineer. In the novel Ender's Game, Orson Scott Card accurately portrays the amount of time and effort that go into becoming an accomplished engineer through the training and upraising of Ender Wiggins. Ender shows the determination, knowledge, and abilities that go into obtaining and maintaining an engineering position. A civil engineer is someone who designs and supervises large construction projects. Some of the main projects they work on include, "roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, bridges, and systems for water supply and sewage treatment  ("Occupational Outlook Handbook ). The salary for a civil engineer is much higher than that of the average salary of most jobs. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the median annual salary was $78,560 in May of 2008 ("Civil Engineer Job Description ). There many jobs that engineers work on require computer usage and an engineer must have proficient knowledge when it comes to computers. In the novel Ender is very good with computers, "He was the one who figured out how to send messages and make them march  (Card 4). The work environment of a civil engineer is very much like En

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