"I only know that without this testimony, my life as a writer - or my life, period - would not have become what it is; that of a witness who believes he has a moral obligation to try and prevent the enemy from enjoying one last victory by allowing his crimes to be erased from human memory" (Wiesel viii). Elie Wiesel's heart wrenching journey began when he was taken from his home to Auschwitz and later Buchenwald concentration camp. He was forced to endure times of struggle, pain, and death. During the course of this memoir, Elie underwent a major transition, from a devout Jewish child to an adult whose faith has been consumed by flames and whose God has been "murdered." Although, the question is what was this transition? In the beginning of his memoir, "Night" Elie was young, observant, and religious. With a loving family at his side and a sheltered life to cling to, one may not assume the troubles that were going to strike upon him. There were warnings and signs, but by then it was already too late. Elie was forced to mature at such a young age. See things that not even the worse of people should have to see. Everything was stripped away from him: his home, his family, his freedom, and most importantly his own religion. Religion was an integral part of young Elie's life. He viewed God as his protector, the omnipotent one. Elie wanted to be more in depth with his religion. "I asked my father to find me a master who could guide me in my studies of Kabbalah. (4). Although, what Elie believed began to change. At first it was Happiness that was lusted for and provoked thoughts that created a delusion of a "perfect life. But nothing is perfect. War had already begun. This is where it started, a journey for Elie that slowly was overtaken by the war and anger surrounding him. Unhealthy conditions and death reigned all over. Elie was forced to endure over crowded trains that lacked air to breathe and room to move. "Lying down was n