The Roman figure called "Marble Sarcophagus with the Triumph of Dionysos and the Seasons," was made in late imperial, Gallienic, around 260 to 270 C.E as part of the Roman culture. The figure is a marble sculpture and is about 34 X 85 X 361/4 inches tall. As a result of the size, we can tell this piece might be supplementary relevant and important in Roman culture. Although the artist of this figure is unknown, it is known that it was created for a wealthy family. The sarcophagus is a typical example of Roman funerary art, which were usually created to commemorate the powerful person. At the Metropolitan Museum, "Marble sarcophagus with the Triumph of Dionysos and the Seasons of art really stood out to me because it shows some kind of realism. "Marble sarcophagus with the Triumph of Dionysos and the Seasons is a luxury created for a wealthy family. However, the massive size, expensive marble material, the use of 3D design and display of important imperial figures indicate otherwise. This essay will argue that there is always a social classification in our life, from ancient to modern; With social classification, the society is classified into different groups, the upper, middle and lower class. This piece was made for an important and wealthy family, which confirms the truth of only upper class group in ancient time could be able to own this sarcophagus as a symbol of taking gods of life into the afterlife. The figure symbolizes sarcophagus, which is known as a container or coffin for burying dead human bodies. In Roman culture, the production of sarcophagus was most commonly made in marble stone. During the late imperial period of Rome, marble was extremely expensive and rarely exclusive. When sarcophagus was built, marble had to be transported all the way from the Eastern Mediterranean to Rome. The materials used to complete such task were a hammer and a chisel, in order to carve the marble slowly and carefully into the sarcop