
Literature and the Power of Symbolism

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Question Why is symbol more powerful than conversational prose at conveying certain types of truth? Response The Power of Symbol Throughout literary history, authors of fiction have relied on a vast repertoire of literary techniques in order to deliver meaningful stories to their readers. Suspense is a literary technique used to keep the reader turning the page by engaging him or her in the story. Setting is a quality that can help create the tone or the mood of the story, now making it magical, now making it intense, now making it humorous. Character development is a way an author can shed insight into our own lives by shedding light on the struggles and conflicts of fictional characters that may be a projection, or an externalization, of ourselves. One literary technique in particular and a favorite of both primitive and advanced cultures alike, will be the focus of this paper, and that is the use of symbolism in world literature. Cultures throughout time have always been rich in symbolism. Symbols range from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the biblical story of Genesis, to modern symbolic images of skyscrapers tumbling down to the ground that represent the wealth and power of our modern western culture. The thesis of the paper, then, is to explore how leveraging the power of symbol can be a more potent expression of truth than can that of conversational prose. In particular, we shall develop a rationale behind how symbolism is a way of thinking and communicating "outside the box  that can address and convey truth in a way in which conversational prose cannot, being confined as it is to "within the box." Granted - this is a vast topic, a topic that scholars have dedicated lifetimes to. Nevertheless, a topic as profound as this can still be surveyed in a classroom research paper of this type, and to be sure, there is tremendous value in doing so. Before we dive into some rationale behind why symbolism is at times a more effective conduit of truth than prose, we need to do some preliminary work. Namely, we need to draw a distinction between two often-confused terms: truth and fact. We must observe first that that which may be factual may not be true, and conversely, that that which may be true may not be factual. Why is this distinction important? This distinction is important because without it our mental faculty of discrimination is likely to filter out the truth content of symbol because ordinarily it does not distinguish between fact and truth. The consequence of this filtering process is a life impoverished to a deeper truth, and so thereby out of touch with the deeper, more ultimate meanings in our lives. To most minds, fact is truth. Indeed, fact is not truth, and truth is not fact. Essentially, our conventional mind falsely regards fact as authoritative, and falsely regards the truth conveyed to us through symbol as "merely myth." Myth in this sense is regarded, at best, as something perhaps interesting but ultimately irrelevant to life. Television programs such as Mythbusters, and phrases like "it's just a myth" only reinforce this corrupted and impoverished notion of myth. The problem with this fundamental assumption that myth is irrelevant - is that the truth which is to be transmitted through symbol (per myth or other literary vehicles) is unable to penetrate the depths our minds since it is rejected as merely myth before the truth ever reaches consciousness. This problem is a consequence of our myth-filter. It is a flaw in the structure of our consciousness “it is an epistemological problem inasmuch as it places an inappropriate filter on the way knowledge is apprehended by our minds. Myth and symbol are the mouthpieces of truth. The lack of development of a mental faculty that can discriminate between fact and truth is tantamount to having a filter that blocks out the transmission of truth. Truth, unlike fact is authoritative. Facts require a thought process confined to "within the box". Symbol requires us to think "outside the box." To help clarify this distinction, let us explore some examples of fact and truth if we can. A fact may be the color of your eyes. You have brown eyes. Another fact may be that the forty-fourth president of the United States is Barack Hussein Obama. Yet another fact is that day follows night, night follows day, and day follows night again. Truth, on the other hand, is substantially more difficult to capture. At best, we can capture relative truths; the Absolute truth may be substantially more elusive. This predicament is precisely why symbol is so important: symbol “ while not capturing Absolute truth, can reflect relative truths. Prose cannot always do this. Prose is better at capturing fact, not truth. To this point we shall see just how the dynamic of this symbolic thought process works by exploring the truths being communicated through several symbols accessible to us in our modern culture (although many come to us from ancient

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