
Hollywood - The Chinese Theatre and The Walk of Fame

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Hollywood is not a city but a district of northwest Los Angeles. Hollywood was once a city but the lack of a successful water supply and independant sewage system led to its merger with Los Angeles in 1910. In that same year, D.W. Griffith a director of films, came to the west coast and shot the first film in California called In Old California. He later went back to New York and told everyone of that lovely place. It was during the First World War that Hollywood became the entertainment capital of the world, all other countries were experiencing the war in the own yards while the U.S. was untouched by it. After the war, everyone around the world knew about Hollywood and people would travel from all over to be part of that magic. Hollywood is known for their films and the district uses that to its advantage. There are landmarks all over Hollywood that can be recognized by almost anyone. The Hollywood Walk of Fame, The Chinese Theater, and of course the most famous the Hollywood sign. These structures represent Hollywood and its famous culture. The have influenced Hollywood and they continue to bring people all over the world to Hollywood. These structures are the outcome of the culture of the film industry in Hollywood, and it is also a mask to the people who come here to be famous. Hollywood makes it seem that everyone can be famous and achieve stardom and that is not true. Thousands of people come here thinking that, only to realize that it is very difficult to happen. What Hollywood culture does it inspires aspiring actor and film makers to come make their dream come true. Hollywood has been in existence for many years and continues to grow culturally and population wise. 1. Hollywoodland, 1923 The Hollywood sign was built in 1923 and it originally said Hollywoodland it was built as a giant advertisement for the housing development under the mountain. In the photo above is the original lettering of Hollywoodland (Figure 1), the H would letter be replaced because of an accident. Each letter is 30 feet wide and 50 feet tall. Below the Hollywood sign there were searchlights to attract and each letter had its own lights as well. The sign was only supposed to last only 1 year and a half. Then later the Film industry used the sign and was famous internationally. It wasn't till 1949 that the land in Hollywoodland would be removed so that it meant the district not the real estate development. The Hollywood sign would later begin to collapse around 1978 spelling out "Hollyweed." Stars would donate around 27 thousand dollars per letter to restore them to their original glory. That is the sign we see now today. On February 7th 1973 the sign was added to the Los Angeles Historic Cultural monument. 2. Hollywood 1978 The Hollywood sign is one of the most recognized signs in the world. It was built during the film industry's migration from the east to the west. The year 1923 was booming with many films most studios moved from New York to Hollywood because of Edison's wrath in New York. The culture was beginning for Hollywood people were beginning to notice that the central hub of the movie industry was in Hollywood. Immigrants looking to be famous, citizens looking for fame all came to Hollywood and were greeted with the sign. Once the sign was due to be removed it was never let down it had become part of the city. During 1927 and 1963 these were the years of the Hollywood Golden Age. As Hollywood started to collapse in the 1970's many things started to change. Studios were challenged financially and audience were getting tired of the same films being made. The state of Hollywood was seen through its sign. Falling apart and being neglected. The system that Hollywood had i

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