A tragic hero is an individual who is facing conflicts which put a halt to what he/she is aiming to do. Romeo faces many conflicts that halt him from doing what he is destined to do. Romeo in the play Romeo and Juliet is a tragic hero, because he is doomed from the start and becomes spiritually and physically wounded. In Romeo's time, with Juliet he must really think things through carefully or he will have to suffer for more than he deserves. He will not be able to live a life like his last now that he has gotten in a relationship with a enemy and her family. A particular and important tragic hero would be Romeo proudly. He wishes to have a clean, fun life, although he is struck with many conflicts that prohibit him from doing what he is destined to do. When Romeo murdered Tybalt for killing his friend Mercutio, he knows in his mind there is no turning back once the sword has extended past Tybalt's body after this there will be no second thoughts about banishing or hanging the subject. Of course, Romeo gets banished, "Immediately we do exile him hence" (Rom. 3. 1). Also, when he is in the marriage process with Juliet, he can not fathom they are of separate families and are not supposed to get married. In addition, when entering the house of the Montagues Romeo is becoming more and more sceptical as his stay gets longer, until he sees the love of his dreams, Juliet. Romeo has had many things happen to him, in this evidence, banishment. Also, in the play Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is both spiritually and physically/emotionally wounded. Romeo can not catch a break; he is always having to watch his back, especially now that he got involved with an arch rival (Juliet). During Romeo's time with Juliet he is pounded with many conflicts that ruin him physically and spiritually. Once being when he is banished from Verona and is unable to come back to his love, and this is a direct quote from Romeo's lips giving an idea of his reaction; "Ha, ban