There are many things that influence a person's socialization. Different agents of socialization have effects on various types of people. An agent of socialization is something that affects you as an individual, and thus the society as a whole. There are many agents of socialization, BUT what are the most important in society, with the most profound impact? Is it the family, the mass media, Peer groups, and School? Upon interviewing three of my peers I understand the different variables that influenced their socialization. The three peers I interviewed were Katherine Pierce, Lacy LePlante, and Paco Rodriguez. Katherine is a 19-year-old Caucasian college student; Lacey LaPlante is also 19 and Caucasian, and finally Alexander Rawlins is 25 and Caribbean As a child, Katherine Pierce lived with her mother and father. They are not divorced and currently still together. Currently she lives on her own, off campus, starting her adult life. Her father taught her how to have fun and to rebel against social norms. “My dad taught me how to set off explosives and we would throw firecrackers down the chimney for fun.” One of Katherine’s significant agents of socialization was her friend Nicole and being around her house all the time. Peers are a great impact on a person’s self-identity. The influence of peer groups are more influential when we are adolescents, particularly because we are going through a process where we're trying to learn ourselves, gain an identity. Peer groups are especially important because our peer groups are who we hang out with the most, we are in their company quite a lot and thus it is only natural that we should be influenced by them to some extent, they influence the way we dress, the slang we use, the places we go, the music we listen to etc. School was never a huge factor in her socialization, in fact she stated, “school taught me absolutely nothing!” When asked what was an example of a belief that you l