I remember that day; the day that changed my life It was a cold December night. I was sitting in front of the television, watching the news with my wife. Since the legalization of flying cars, the circulation was chaos, and multiple deaths happened every day. Today, some teenage driver flew way higher than the limit and entered in collision with a supersonic plane, transporting thousands of passengers. The result was disastrous. Governments were even thinking about abolishing the use of those flying cars, not long after having raised the age required to drive from 21 to 25. "We must address this issue now. More and more people are dying everyday, and this cannot continue , said the united galaxies president. Suddenly, the news broadcast was interrupted by an announcement of the president himself. He declared that, after two years of tensed relations, we were now at war with "The Others." The word himself was enough to arouse that fear in me, fear that I always tried to repress, but returned relentlessly. This word had always been a haunt for our society, and nobody even dared to pronounce that name. I glanced at my wife with an incredulous look. She was as astonished and stunned as me. What was going to happen now? There was no doubt about the issue of the war: The Others were going to completely annihilate us, all kind of resistance was almost futile. Will we be reduced to slavery? Will we have to go live in their galaxy? What will happen to my children? Even though no one actually saw one of them, it was well known that The Others were stronger, smarter, healthier and richer. Then why did our government decided to go to war against them? That is when I hear the strident ring of the telephone. As soon as I answered, I knew what was the purpose of the call: the military forces were organizing a conscription, since they knew no one would volunteer to fight our powerful and merciless enemies. The next day, I was standing in a military