
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie

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"The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian," by is a book full of valuable life lessons and themes. Though it's a fictional book it highlights the harsh reality of the world and the hurdles a boy from a so-called "inferior" class has to face. Reading this book has taught me some valuable lessons, some of them being; Identity and self-esteem, family relations and male relations. The book's main character is Arnold Spirit or, "Junior," and the novel is loaded with questions that Junior has about his identity and self-esteem. In fact even the title of the book explains it. The words "part-time Indian," shows how Junior thinks he is only a ˜Part-time Indian' as half of the time he is in a school in Reardon, a white peoples school. Throughout the book, his is questioning is identity, finding hope that his background does not stall him from achieving his dreams. Junior has a very high self-esteem; we can see these in his arguments with his teachers, " Well, petrified wood is really not wood." He knew he was right about this information and no matter what he was going to prove it, and so he did, though most credit goes to Gordy who supported it. This moment highlights Junior's self-esteem as well as created an identity for him. Not and identity as an Indian, but that of a confident smart kid. This quote though so simple but teaches us the most valuable lesson be confident in yourself, if you truly believe you are right then there is nothing that can prove you wrong. The second most valuable lesson this book teaches us is family relations. Throughout the book Junior is constantly bringing up his family. We see an image where Junior puts his parents to the highest regards. We also see how hard the parents try to fulfill Junior's needs even though they have a very difficult life, full of poverty hunger and other many hurdles. "I realize that my folks are pretty good. Sure, my dad had a drinking problem and my mom can be a little ecc

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