"Everything we hear is opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius The theatrical drama, "The Crucible," by Arthur Miller, circles around falsification, and people's intolerance and presumptions of the truth. In the play the truth has no meaning or worth due to characters like Reverend Parris, Reverend John Hale, and Deputy Governor Danforth's fixed and immutable beliefs.Deputy Governor Danforth. In the play, Reverend Parris plays the minister of Salem's church. His character is weak, paranoid and power-hungry. Reverend Parris' utmost ambition for a perfect reputation leaves him intolerant to anything will, and could blacken his name. Reverend Hale says to Abigail, "Abigail, I have fought here three long years...just now when some good respect is rising from me in the parish, you compromise my very character" (pg. 12). Another factor for setting the truth aside is jealousy. Reverend Parris' jealousy is unlike Abigail's towards Elizabeth Proctor, instead he is resentful of other people who has a higher authority than he does. His jealousy comes from all the whining and wailing about not getting the chattel and goods that he wants and the respect he thinks he deserves. Reverend Parris to John Proctor: "The salary is sixty-six pound, Mr. Proctor! I am not some preaching farmer with a book under my arm; I am a graduate of Harvard College. You people seem to not comprehend that a minister is the Lord's man in parish; a minister is not to be so lightly crossed and contradicted--" (pg. 29-30). Another would be his role in the theme of Good vs. Evil. Reverend Parris is one of the most evil and corrupt man in the play. He is not a good man, he clearly knows that Abigail is full of lies and deceit but still perpetuates her deceptions because it is in his best interest. "Parris: My niece, sir, my niece-- I believe she has vanished. Excellency , it profit nothing you should blame me. I cannot think they would run off except they fear to keep in Salem anymore" (pg.126-127). Reveren