
Radiation, Cellular Devices and Cancer

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Cancer now is the second most common cause of death in America. Recently, researchers found that talking on cell phones for a long period of time can lead to brain tumor. Radiation is a serious issue that is affecting the health of many people, especially in younger children. The government and the cell phones company need to take this issue more significantly to find better solutions to improve the health of people who are exposed to harmful radiation from cellular devices. According to Terry Tempest-Williams, argued about environmental poisoning that explored the legacy of "The Clan of One-Breast Women." In her article, Tempest-Williams describes her family history of cancer. Seven of her relatives died and only two survived because of the chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Williams believed that the actual source of radiation was from the government testing on atomic bomb, which increased high levels of nuclear radiation, and not from the genetic makeup of an individual. The environment poisoning in nuclear radiation potentially leads to cancer, particularly from using cell phones excessively. What is radiation? "Radiation is energy that moves through space or matter at a very high speed" (Radiation and Health). Radiation can be found in many sources such as X-ray, sunlight, microwaves, radio waves, etc. There are two types of radiation: ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation is radiation which has high-frequency. This radiation has high energy that damages our DNA cells which can easily lead to cancer. It is in high UV lights and X-ray. Non-ionizing radiation has lower frequency energy. It hasn't been found to increase the risk of cancer because its energy does not enough to damage the cells. It is found in our daily objects such as radio, cell phones, television, etc. (Radiation Exposure and Cancer). Although non-ionizing radiation does not have enough energy to damage our DNA cells, recently, studies find that it does increase the risk of cancer. "Non-ionizing radiation doesn't damage DNA directly, but it may be able to affect cells in other ways" (Radiation Exposure and Cancer). People often use cell phones because of the increase in technology. We need to be more concern about the effectiveness of using cell phones and cancer. Although cell phone

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