My phone vibrated in my coat pocket and I answered it with much irritation. “Its my day off.” I complained to Officer Green, purposely using the tone of my voice to convey my annoyance. “I know Brady, sorry but its important,” came the reply. “But I’ve arrested a young man involved with yesterdays failed robbery attempt of the Post Office and he sure is frightened. “Can you guys just give me one day off,” I exclaimed with impatience, “Can't it wait till tomorrow?” “Brady Parks,” the Green sighed using his full name meant that he was desperate. “ I really need your help, right now to just close this case” “What is this all about?” I pressed, beginning to get intrigued into why they really needed my help. “What’s this young man you arrested so frightened about, you his blood for drugs? “Of course we tested his blood for drugs and no surprising to us he was clean.” Officer Green knew that he had Brady on board. “He’s saying that that while he was sitting outside the post office, the car that his gang had stolen for a getaway is in fact a time machine” The interview suite had recently been refurbished. Decorated in pastel colours it was now furnished with padded chairs and seaside prints on the wall. Cameron was about eighteen, skinny and tall with long blond hair and blue eyes he looked like a rabbit in the headlights. He stalked the four corners with his head down and hands in his pockets. I asked him to sit down. He did only for a moment. Each new question set him in motion again. Once I had introduced myself to those around I began to turn the attention on Cameron. “What is this all about, Cameron?” “ As I was telling the Officer Green,” he sniffed, nervously. “My car turned into a bloody time machine. Just like Back To The Future.” “Bullshit,” I stared him down. “It’s not real, tell me the truth.” I persisted. “You weren’t there, I know what happened.” Cameron crossed his arms in defiance. “So tell me what happened,” I asked, knowing this was quite and unusual c