
Texting While Driving - A Prelude to Murder

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Murder is when one person unlawfully kills another. An individual who is convicted of murder will be sent to prison; for years, decades or even for life. Does murder only reach the extent of gun killings, bombings, etc? We seem to forget the definition of murder when death is caused by texting and driving. Texting and driving is now the primary cause of teenage deaths. Isn't that enough to call it murder? In 2011, 23% of auto collisions involved cell phones, that's 1.3 million crashes, is this enough to call it murder? Texting and driving leading to death is caused by ones negligence to understand that the driver not paying attention is the cause for the death. Causing death while texting and driving is forcefully equal to murder and drivers who perform this should not only permanently lose their license but should comply with the law and face murder charges as well. I could base this argument on just facts. According to , a site specifically for statistics and facts on the concept of texting while driving, the minimal amount of time your attention is taken away from the road while texting is 5 seconds. It seems small right? Yet if a person is driving at 55 miles per hour, 5 seconds is basically driving the length of a football field without looking. This includes text messaging, which makes the crash 23X more likely, dialing a number which is 2.8X more likely, talking or listening on the phone is 1.3X more likely and even simply reaching for the device 1.4X more likely. There is a fine of $280 if a person is pulled over by a cop for texting while driving but is this really enough for causing death while in the act? Paying $280 for the fine, when causing death, is basically paying your way out of a murder charge. What makes things worse is texting and driving has become 6 times more dangerous than drunk driving. Being intoxicated and not aware of your surroundings while driving is now less dangerous than sim

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