"Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law"-Barack Obama on the Supreme court's' decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (FEC). The United States is not a democracy, it is an oligarchy. Rife with corruption, propaganda, and voter suppression tactics, signs of the erosion of the first modern democracy are everywhere. In January of 2010, the Supreme Court of the United States made a landmark decision in the case of Citizens United. This decision allowed citizens, unions and corporations to donate unlimited amounts of money to special political action committees called super P.A.C.s. These committees can produce advertising for political candidates with the stipulation that they cannot communicate with the political campaign(s) of the candidate(s) they support, however there is no way to make sure these groups and campaigns do not communicate. Traditional campaign donations still make up a large portion of the money spent in 2012, but the real corrupting factor is the new system of unregulated political groups creating separate political campaigns for candidates with unlimited amounts of money. In other countries this would be called corruption, but in the States it is called political contributions. These P.A.C.'s support can make or break a campaign, so it is obvious that the candidates views on issues don't always reflect the views of the general public. The 2012 Election campaign for president cost $2.6 billion and the total cost of the presidential, senate and congressional races totaled over $6 billion. During the 2012 elections Sheldon Adelson is a casino magnate. He owns many casinos in Las Vegas and Asia and is the 9th richest person in the world according to Forbes, donated at least $98 million (some estimates range as high as $150 million) to super P.A.C.s and campaigns. The actual number is unknown because some of the money he donated went to political non-profit groups that can do many of the things super P.A.C.s do, but the donations are anonymous. Brothers