Pictures are motionless memories; each one telling a "story" about a person or place. I occasionally glance at a photo every now and then reminding myself of a moment in time where I wasn't who I was today. I'm not quite fond of most of my childhood photos; I either look awkward or it reminds me of how fast I've grown in just a few years. I can envision myself in a few decades, in a house with my family sharing my childhood photos to my children. By then hopefully opinions on pictures will change and I'll accept my younger self and the process of aging. While flipping though the album I see myself growing; from my first photo in the hospital to my most current high school photo. I notice random family members I haven't reunited with since that moment was captured. One photo catches my eye, a picture of my brother and I dressed up in costumes for Halloween, neither of us actually looking at the camera. My stroller seat belt unbuckled and Scott's face seems mad. It's daytime in my old neighborhood Hillside, New Jersey and I'm dressed up in what my mother claims to be an adorable clown outfit, I highly disagree with her opinion. There to the right is my older brother, Scott. He's dressed up as a Dalmatian. We're outside in a library parking lot near our house. I was only three and Scott was five, I mostly remember people referring my brother to a cow when he's clearly a dog. One specific house made him mad because they called him a cow with oversized ears. He got emotional and ran down their porch steps; he accidently missed the last step and rolled his ankle. This is explains the unpleasant face, he was done for the night and just wanted to go home. While my brother's unhappy, I'm having the time of my life. I'm getting all the candy possible and everyone is guessing my costume right. The happiness ended once I was told I had to get out the stroller for Scott because of his ankle. Me being a brat, I refused to get up. Of course I was