As I stand and gaze across the vast landscape, my eyes rest upon the two black granite walls each measuring 246.75 feet long, that meet at an angle of 125 degrees. They begin at ground level and rise to a height of 10.1 feet, Upon these walls are etched the 58,132 names of young men who gave their lives for our freedom. The names of those who are dead and missing in Vietnam. This beautiful black polished granite has become America's wailing wall. A place where families, friends and comrades come to find peace and closure to their losses. Here is where we find a generation of young people ranging between the ages of 26 to 40. These young people whose fathers served in the Vietnam War. This is a lost generation in that they lost someone that was very precious to them early in their childhood. This may have been a physical, mental or emotional loss just the same. They lost their role models, their fathers. These young people now flock to the Vietnam War Memorial, a wall which was erected many years too late, besides no memorial or award could ever erase the memory of the thousands of men and women who died in this war. They go there looking for a piece of their heritage, looking for that one special name that's just like theirs, searching for that one that they can call, "Dad." They go there in search of themselves looking for answers to questions that no one can answer. As they stand before this great wall they can feel the warmth and love of others who have been there before them also searching for their loved one. As they walk along searching for their father's name they see little momentos others have left behind lying on the ground at their special spot, flowers , coins, pictures, articles of clothing, anything that will remind them of their loved ones. As your mind begins to take in the vastness of the wall and the thousands of names you begin to feel as though you are treading "upon holy ground." You realize the great sacrifice these men and women gave to this country. As these young people come upon their fathers' name, they gently reach out just to touch it, to talk to him and try to put an end to all their suffering and anger over a needless loss. As their fingers touch the marble many feel a twinge of electricity flow through them, many say they feel peace and love come over them, other's don't know how to describe or explain it. Many say if you sit in front of