?When I woke up I found myself on the bench of a park that I usually come to for walks in the evening. Opening my eyes and adjusting to the orange light of the sun which just marked the beginning of a new day, I realized that the whole night I had been sleeping here out in the cold. This part of the day when the long cool night is just about to end and the day is just about to begin, when the stars and the sun shine at the same time, when the atmosphere is just cool enough to make you shiver but you still don’t want to get inside in the hope of getting wet in the warm sunshine, when the sky has two different colours, is serene. But today it was something different. I felt it that way because these times weren’t something new to me. I had witnessed many such times before when I spent the whole night imagining something or walking down my memory lane and reliving those memories which I cherished forever. Usually these times are quiet. The common folks aren’t up yet and the hype of the day hasn’t begun. But today I felt a strange calm. It was too quiet. Such that you can hear the blood flow in your veins. I felt dizzy, and the cold winds blowing made me curse myself for leaving my jacket when I left home. I couldn’t understand why was it so difficult for me to recall what had happened when it had just happened a night ago. I knew that the reason for me being here the whole night and not at my place which was a few blocks away was something that might have had upset me. Something that I wanted time to think about and so would have come to a place where I could focus on the inside of me. But what was that something, was beyond my limits of recalling things. I tried too hard to recollect my memories but in vain. I was just lost in my thoughts and time and again only one thing, only one person surfaced in the pool of my thoughts. Tired and strained by thinking I let it go. The calmness returned again. I felt peace. By this time it was what we call as morning. The sky was clear and bright. The sunshine enhanced the beauty of the dew drops. It was amazing to see that how the sunshine made these dew drops change their appearance from a simple droplet of water to shining crystals, just before they got dried up due to the same sunshine that makes them look so beautiful. To some extent this also applied to me, even I had my sunshine that made me what I am now; from a man who kept to himself always, from a person who others called as introvert, to a human being which has just tasted the sweetness of love. The joy of loving others and seeing them happy. My sunshine, my love. The person whom I loved more than myself. The person with whom I was myself, neither did I have to act, nor did I have to change. The person who accepted and let me be the way I am. As I was lost in my thoughts, the minute hand completed one more of its never ending revolution and finally it marked the starting of the day. The city was awake. The park started filling in with the people that came out for morning walks. Many among them were known faces to me. As the man living next door walked past me, I looked at him. He in turn looked at me, but it was as if he was looking at the empty bench and without showing any expressions looked ahead and continued with his walk. It did seem strange but again we didn’t have any such bonding at all. The only time I used to see him, or he used to see me was during our small encounters that we had during the time we went to work. Besides that, I rarely knew or had interaction with any of the people living in my flat. Sometimes I wondered what image they have of me in their minds. A person who lives alone, rarely talks and keeps to himself ought to create suspicion and doubts in the minds of people. But in a way I was thankful to them that no one ever tried to invade my privacy or peek into my personal life. It was time for me to go back to my place and get ready for the day ahead. But before I could get up and leave, I had to think once again about what made me come here and spend the whole night here alone in this place. This time I was pretty serious. I tried hard to remember. But again I couldn’t find any answer. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that for the last night, the way I had spent the entire night alone on a bench of a park I was about to face a lot of consequences for this. She didn’t at all approve this kind of attitude of mine. How every time for even the smallest of the things I would walk away and take time to myself brooding over the same thing again and again trying to find out a logical reason for everything. And this time I had really crossed the limits. Staying out alone in this way was never a solution. Not for her in any way. I tried to find my phone to check the number of calls or texts that she might have sent. But then realized that my phone was left in the pocket of my jacket. I again cursed myself for being so impulsive and walking out of my flat without pu