Abstract The subject that chose to research falls under the school violence, many people can relate to this this mass shooting in 1999 when two deranged individuals decided that they were going to simply kill everyone in sight. This research will prove that there was no specific intent towards athletes, males, females, or teachers. But that these were simply cowardice acts carried out by what can really only be explained as completely insane and deranged teenagers. The research I have gathered analyzes, explains, depicts, and defines the events that took place on April 20th 1999 in Littleton Colorado. God himself cannot explain to these families the pain and anguish carried out on this day. Research here is showing just that, answers for families so that they may have some closure. However at the end of the day who can really cope with the fact that their son or daughter will not breathe again? That they won't go off to college, have children, and assume a career in this crazy world? There are stories from several individuals that did survive, and it makes you wonder if in fact it's worse for them. Not only are they living paralyzed or in fear but countless nightmares and flashbacks continue to haunt them to this day. They remember everything they were told before they were shot. These students relive every moment on a daily basis, only hoping that one day they can learn to forgive these animals. The Littleton Police Department had to revamp their entire strategy for these types of situations. As you will come to read, they simply stood by as these innocent teens were executed at point blank range. I can only imagine being a cop in Littleton during this event, and not doing anything. It really makes people want to blame the police for what they didn't do, even though in theory they did what they were trained to do. On April 20th 1999 Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris terrorized a community, destroyed families, and with no true meaning engaged in domestic killings in the most heinous sort. At approximately 12:21am a report of shots fired call came blazing into the Littleton Police Department. The private security guard at the school assumed that it was simply some senior prank being carried out considering the closing of the school year was coming soon. The two teens belonging to what they called themselves as the "trench coat mafia killed 12 students, 1 teacher, injuring over 21 people and eventually cowardly turning their weapons on themselves. Little did anyone know until now that these two young men had spent over a year premeditating, logging, writing, and acting out what they had been dreaming about doing as early as 1997. With video diaries Dylan and Eric played out their massacre fantasy. To them, this was simply just something that needed to be done, due to the human race being what it was. They hated African American's they hated "jocks" and girls that wouldn't give them the time of day. Derek and Eric met in middle school, average kids they played sports, video games, stayed engaged and were scholars in school. Coming from grounded families for example Harris's father was a retired Major in the United States Air Force flew KC135's a massive aircraft that allowed pilots to refuel while in flight. Journals, notes, and videos explain that Klebold and Harris had been thinking about suicide since the year 1997, and they both began planning the April killings as early as April of 1998 a full year before execution. Initially the news media thought that these two terrorizers were specifically targeting athletes, preppy students, African American Americans and even Christians. After o