
Personal Introduction Letter

21 Pages 542 Words 1557 Views

Dear Mason Family, First of all, allow me to express my deepest gratitude for having me as a part of your family for the next two months. I am looking forward to meet all of you. The main reason of writing this letter is to introduce myself before we meet in person. Letting you know basically who am I. Let’s start by describing me. I am a 20 years old male, from a Panamanian-Spanish family that raised me. Ever since can remember, my parents have always been teaching me how to be a good person. Assuring that I know which are the core values of an educated human being. But the most important lesson, how to earn my own things honestly. My whole life have been a constant struggle to improve myself, to achieve as most cultural knowledge as possible, being able to establish conversations basically with everyone. As for my education, I graduated from high school with good grades, I think that is very important, and currently going through college, on my way to achieve a degree in Business Administration and Finance. After one year of wandering around not knowing what I wanted to study, I finally made up my mind and decided to become a Businessman. Due to my education and desire to be a professional, I have decided to go to the United States as an exchange student, to improve and enhance my English speaking skills and my cultural knowledge. To be honest I am a bit scared about this exchange because is the first time that I do something like this, but that fear is reduced to cero when I think that I am going to be with a family that took me in and is willing to make this easier for me. For that I am truly grateful. As for my personality, I am a very happy and friendly person, for me it’s easy to make friends and have a conversation. I play soccer as a hobby and it’s also my passion. I’m very active, I don’t like to be stuck doing nothing, I like to repair stuff and assembling computers, I like technology a lot as you can see. A

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