The young adult novel, "Holes," by Louis Sachar, is an exciting story where it's difficult for the reader to predict what is going to happen next. Sachar is a great writer who has written many excellent books. The character I am doing this summary on is Stanley Yelnats. Stanley is a fat and weak kid who always got bullied by kids smaller than him. Once in his class the teacher took the lightest kid in his class and him because he was the heaviest in his class and said a ratio of 3:1 that was really embarrassing for him. Stanley’s family had a history of bad luck. Stanley’s great-great grandfather, Elya Yelnats who was from Latvia used to love a girl named Myra Menke. One day he went to her father to ask for her hand but at the same time Igor Barkov, a fat man with a red nose was also there to ask for her hand he offered his fattest pig but Elya offered a heart full of love and then the father wanted the pig so he said that he would marry her daughter on her next birthday. Elya went Madame Zeroni. She gave him her piglet to grow and offer Myra’s dad and then after everything Elya was supposed to carry the Madame up a mountain and sing a song to her. On Myra’s birthday Elya’s and Igor’s pigs weighed the same but then, because Myra had an empty head she chose to marry Igor and then Elya got on a boat and then went to America and forgot to carry madame zeroni up the mountain and got cursed for bad luck. It also has a lot of proofs in the book that Stanley has a lot of bad luck. Stanley got punished for a crime he did not commit. Once he got bullied by a kid smaller than him who stole his notebook and Stanley had to chase him to get it back but then the kid threw it in the toilet and then he got it back him somehow and because of that he had to walk home because he missed his bus and then when he was almost under a bridge someone threw a pair of shoes on him but he thought it was a sign from god because his dad is a scientist