Social factors had a big impact in China's downfall and the rise of Europe. China was very self-centered, focusing on their own culture and traditions; in fact, most intentions had some sort of Chinese symbol such as the dragon; which is still used nowadays to represent Chinese society and culture. China isolated themselves socially which did not allow them to grow since they were not building business relationships with other countries; this occurred because China believed that they were capable of producing everything they needed, therefore, other countries' help was not needed. Europe was a continent that took advantage of many opportunities; they had different cultures within its countries and they worked together to rise socially by build strong business relationships with other countries around the world as they allowed trade. Many things were imported and exported which helped Europe grow strong and rise socially above China. Another factor that led to the downfall of China and the rise of Europe is the political factor. Political factors had a great impact in China's downfall. The Chinese bureaucracy caused China to have a government full of people running a country that were not elected to take that position. The bureaucracy was strict, they did not allow China to grow due to the rules that were established; the emperor did not want China to receive imports from other countries, they also were not allowed to increase productivity because they believe that they had enough, while the Europeans never stopped increasing productivity as they did not have a certain government that banned them from doing so. Many of the Chinese ships were banned by its own emperor resulting in them leaving the seas; giving Europe the opportunity to rise and take charge in succeeding in the seas as trading became easier. Europe then obtained powerful military advantage over China because with steel, iron and steam they enhanced their weapons, making e