
Mangrove Management in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

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Introduction Mangroves are natural plants and from part of ecosystems which provide different environmental goods and services. The underestimation of mangroves value and impact on human activities is what lead to and still leads to loss of these plants and trees. Various factors are to blame for this loss. One of these is the economic development of a country and the other is people cutting down and using the wood. Environmentalists did not always succeed in convincing governments and people about the importance of protecting and rehabilitating the mangrove areas. Environmental impacts of nature and man cause destruction of mangroves. It is not an easy task to minimize these impacts and the harmful results of it on biological resources, ecosystems and human health. The solution is left to environmentalists and legislators. As part of an integrated environmental management (IEM) system it is necessary to look at what damage has been caused, find solutions and then implement a maintenance plan for the future. Effective plans of action are needed as well as policies for sustainability. This essay links information supplied by ecologists to the information required for effective and efficient mangrove management (Evans, 1998; Ferrier, 1992; NMDC,2012). Definition of Mangroves Mangroves are found around certain coastlines in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. They are evergreen trees and there are many species and derivatives. This gives rise to distinct characteristics such as colour, height spread. Furthermore, they are adaptable to similar habitats. Mangroves are salt-tolerant and comprise of trees and shrubs and grow in a zone of tidal influence. They abound on sheltered coasts and are also found inland on riverbanks or around estuaries or lagoons (Evans,1998; Ferrier, 1992). Importance of Mangroves Mangroves are found also in the UAE. They are mainly coastal forests, which are among the best and richest forms of productive ecosystems. They provided firewood in the UAE many years ago. Mangroves provide a rich area for birds and water life, such as fish, shrimps, crabs and other creatures and insects. A variety of flowers are also found. Mangrove vegetation also provides a role in coastal protection by forming a buffer zone of the beach areas beyond it. Besides these, mangrove areas also provide nesting and breeding grounds for turtles and bird species. Mangrove areas also provide activities for humans such as bird watching, canoeing and boating (Hamilton and Snedaker, 1984), Structure and functions of mangrove ecosystems (from Odum, 1976 in Ferrier, 1992) Natural Environment for Mangroves Mangroves will grow mostly where the climate is right and the sand is fine-grained. They do not like strong tidal waves and water action; rather the water needs to be calmer. The tidal action, soil, saltiness and brackish water conditions, all influence the development and type of mangroves (Evans,1998;Lewis, 2004). Possible Effects of Global Warming Global warming and the subsequent rise of tides due to it and the change in climatic weather conditions will all impact on mangroves. Rising water levels will affect the species common to lower water levels. Higher temperatures will affect growth rate and development. It is because of this that greenhouse gas emissions are to be limited by governments worldwide. Mangroves play an important role in reducing carbon emissions. Through their filtering and cleaning action mangroves contribute to lessening the impacts of climate change (Evans,1998; Ferrier, 1992; Mackinnon, Mackinnon and Child, 1986). Distribution and Occurrence of Mangroves - UAE Mangrove forests are found along the UAE coastline. Located along the eastern ring road, the Eastern Mangrove Lagoon is the closest mangrove forest to the Abu Dhabi City. It is being named the Eastern Mangrove Lagoon National Park. Besides this, there are many more areas of mangrove forests in Dalma, Sir Bani Yas, Bu Tinah, Saadiyat, Abu Abyadh, Al Aryam and the Al Dhabi islands of Abu Dhabi. Mangrove forests cover a wide area of the UAE. Abu Dhabi area accounts for more than 75% of the total mangrove forest area in the UAE. The grey mangrove, "Avicennia Marina" is the only mangrove species that grows widely in the UAE. The Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi (EAD) is trying to reintroduce the species recently succeeded in reintroducing the mangrove "rhizophora mucronata" which once lived in the UAE and became extinct due to overexploitation (EAD,2012; NMDC,2012). Major Issues There must be specific policies and legislation in place for mangroves specifically. Also, a clear mandate must be on hand in terms of management of mangroves. Strategies are needed to secure existing mangrove areas and rehabilitate ones in bad condition. Presently government agencies such as the Environmental Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD) play a role. Comprehensive assessments are needed and effective management strategies should be put in place (Evans, 1998;

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