
Alzheimer's by Kelly Cherry

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The poem "Alzheimer’s," written by Kelly Cherry, is a poem in which the poet reveals the mind of an Alzheimer’s patient who must return to the hospital. Alzheimer’s is one form of dementia that gradually gets worse over time, affecting memory, thinking and behavior. Such are the characteristics presented by Cherry with the character of the poem, describing the confusing thoughts and decisions that the old man is faced with because of his disease. Memory loss is one of the first signs of dementia and it is presented throughout the whole poem. Ever since the beginning of the poem, the speaker alludes to the old man’s condition by referring to him as a “crazy old man” (line 1) who has returned from the hospital and is struggling with his memory. The author presents the character’s recognition of his past life (lines 15-19) and then continues to explain the old man’s main struggle at the moment: not recognizing the white-haired woman welcoming him in (lines 27-29). By doing so, the author relates the sad truth about the old man’s disease: not being able to recognize his present life, the people he loves, and even the own person that he is (stating in line 19 that he remembers himself as a young man). Several things he remembers about his life can be found on the following lines (15-19). This is his house. He remembers it as his, Remembers the walkway he built between the front room and the garage, the rhododendron he planted in back, the car he used to drive. He remembers himself, A younger man, in a tweed hat, a man who loved Music. (15-20) Alzheimer’s is not only associated with memory loss, but also ends up slowing down the patient functions due to increase of fatigue, loss of concentration, language and motor skills. Because of this, patients suffering from this disease experience a dramatic change in their lifestyle. This is clearly exemplified with the old man in the poem: music used to be his passion, he used

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